[Glade-devel] How to mark a project as modified?

2010/2/28 Marco Diego Aur?lio Mesquita <marcodiegomesquita at gmail.com>:
I know the bugzilla is the recommended place to file bugs, but I think
it would be useful to discuss it here.

Steps to reproduce the bug:
?Create a new project in glade (3.6.7)
?Add a toplvevel window
?Save the project
?Modify the height or width of the window: glade "mark" the project
as modified.

It doesn't seems to be a complicated bug and I want to fix it myself,
but I need guidance on the code. So, my questions are:
How can I "mark" a project as modified? Which callback (chain) is
called when the user changes a window name? Which callback is called
when the user changes a window width?

Having the answers for these questions would (I think) be enough for
me to fix this bug myself.

    Thanks for taking a minute to put your hands into Glade,
I cant reproduce your bug running 3.6.7 or newer here
(theres not many bugfixes in trunk unreleased, but some are).

FYI, Whether a project is dirty or not is detected completely by
watching the undo stack of the project
(A list of GladeCommands on the GladeProject).

when we save we mark the current command as the clean
state then walking forward and backward through the commands
updates the project dirty state as needed (the project does it
internally with its command stack).

Try pulling from the master branch of Glade and building that if you
have development versions of GTK+ available to you
(since I cant reproduce your bug, maybe you can check if its fixed by now).


PS: The mailing list is fine to discuss bugs yes, but when unreported
bugs are found, then I need people to actually make the journey to bugzilla
and enter the data into our bug list as well as discussing it, either
here or in bugzilla.

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