[Glade-devel] Glade 2.0.1 and C++ support


On Wed, 2004-02-18 at 13:06, Pierre Bacquet wrote:

I am trying Zindows version of Glade 2.0.1 and it seems
that support for other languages than C has been removed.

Can you please tell me why ?

Is there any quick fix / patch to re-enable it ?

The C++ code generator is a separate package, glademm.
See http://home.wtal.de/petig/

I know and I've downloaded it. What I mean here is that the
"Project > Project Options ..." dialog box has no more the
"Language :" C, C++ radio buttons at the bottom as it were
the case for Glade 1.1.2 .

Is there any reason for removing this feature which proved
quite helpful ?



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