[Glade-devel] Helping out

Paolo wrote:

On Sat, 2003-10-04 at 13:29, Joaquin Cuenca Abela wrote:
I've just committed this change.
So now I think that we have everything we need to handle external 
widgets automatically.


/me will look at the code as soon as I have some time...

Some minor things I noticed

1) I get the following when running glade3:

(glade-3:26087): Glade-WARNING **: Unable to get the "set" 
function [glade_gtk_widget_set_tooltip] of the property 
[Tooltip] of the widget's class [GtkMessageDialog] from the module
/opt/gnome-cvs/lib/libgmodule-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: 
(glade-3:26087): Glade-WARNING **: Unable to get the "get" 
function [glade_gtk_widget_get_tooltip] of the property 
[Tooltip] of the widget's class [GtkMessageDialog] from the module
/opt/gnome-cvs/lib/libgmodule-2.0.so.0: undefined symbol: 

Motto: don't do last minute changes without testing them.

2) I see that the modules are installed in $PREFIX/glade: is 
it ok or is it better chenge it to $PREFIX/glade-3?

In fact, I also prefer $libdir/glade-3 instead of $libdir/glade.  I will
change it asap.

Beside I 
see that also the .a and .la are installed there, are they needed?

No it's not need, but I don't know how to install just the shared
library.  Do you know how to do it?

3) It seems to me that glade-gtk.h is not used anywhere anymore.

Yes, I forgot the cvs remove.  Good catch.  Fixed.

Thank you for the comments!


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