Re: [gitg] Git repository browsers, drag'n'drop and backlinks

On So, 10.01.2010 20:08, Jesse van den Kieboom wrote:

>>> Also it supports 3 selection targets:
>>> x-gitg/treeish: <path>\n<sha1>: <subject>
>>> text: <sha1>: <subject>\n\n<body>
>>> uri: gitg://<path>:<sha1>

>The definition was not meant to be only for one commit (at least the 
>x-gitg/treeish and uri can have multiple values).

Okay, then I probably understood you wrong.

>Maybe you could 
>describe a bit more what exactly you expect to get.

I was thinking about
x-gitg/treeish-list: <path>\n<treeish_1>\n<treeish_2>\n<treeish_3> ...

where each treeish may be (at least) a sha1 or a branch name.
But maybe I just got you wrong, and you're covering that with your
treeish or uri definitions already. I didn't have a close-enough look
at your code yet (the recent changelog reads very nice, btw -- cherry
picking support sounds great!).

>The text target is simply provided for applications that cannot (yet) 
>handle the more expressive treeish target. This means that you can drop 
>it in a text editor, and it will simply paste something meaningful. If 
>you want to process it more specifically, you can decide to handle the 
>x-gig/treeish target)

True. Good idea. I guess I was more confused by the <subject> in the
"x-gitg/treeish" target.

>At the moment gitg itself accepts arguments that you can also specify to 
>git log, in addition to the uri (or a directory). So something like 
>'gitg gitg://<path> feature..master works too. Is this what you mean, or?

That sounds very nice indeed.


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