Refactoring spawning feature


In order to complete my work on adding a way to set the author of a
commit (different than the committer), I have to introduce a way to
set environment variable for the commit command. Gitg internal is
quite unfriendly for this: uses both a GitgRunner class and many
gitg_repository_command_xxx functions. Jesse agreed that this is not
very nice and not easy to extend.

In order to refactor this part, I did a small survey on how spawning
feature is designed in other framework I know. Here are the elements.

A single command with all possible arguments.

A Process class.
This class hosts method to access output and input stream. It allows
to kill the process (destroy), wait for its termination (waitFor) and
collect the exit status (exitValue).
This class is built from an other class, via a Runtime.exec(...) call.
This call sets the command line and the environment variables.

A QProcess class.
This class offers ALL features: creation of process (start),
environment settings (setEnvironment, setWorkingDirectory), wait for
the termination (wait), exit code collect (exitStatus), pid access,
and termination. It also offers a way to handle process's streams.

A KProcess class. Refined in KProcIO (when you need to handle
input/output) and KShellProcess for process activated through a shell.
The base class offers an IO managment based on signals (qt's signals,
similar to GObject system). Like QProcess, it offers all method to
create and manage a process.

Two classes ACE_Process and ACE_Process_Options.
The ACE_Process is the dynamic "vue" of the process: start, terminate,
kill, wait.
The ACE_Process_Options is the static "vue" of the process:
environment, args, working_dir...

This survey is far from perfect or exhaustive.
It seems to exist two main vision to represents a process:
- a single huge class
- two classes (or a class and a factory)

In gitg we currently use a scheme where we have two main access
points: GitgRunner for the dynamic part and
gitg_repository_command_xxx for the static part (settings of the
command). Following this scheme I can easily imagine a new class:
GitgCommand following the same design as ACE_Process_Options.
But this can be quite overkill. So we can also imagine to extend
anything to GitgRunner class.

For the details, I imagine that all settings are GObject properties.
So, working directory is a property. For environment, we can imagine
an helper function that will append a new couple (name,value) to an
array. A typical call will becomes:

GitgCommand *command = gitg_command_new_with_args("name", "arg0",
"arg1", "arg2", ..., NULL);
gitg_command_set_working_dir(command, "working_dir");
gitg_command_set_env(command, envp); // or
gitg_command_append_env(command, "varname=value");
GitgRunner *runner = gitg_runner_new(10000);
gitg_runner_run(runner, command);

Of course, we have to keep existing facade (current
gitg_repository_command_xxx functions).

What is your opinion?
-=- JID: guyou im apinc org MSN: guilhem_bonnefille hotmail com
-=- mailto:guilhem bonnefille gmail com

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