Re: Annotations for command line arguments and environment variables

On Tue, Jun 7, 2016 at 8:11 PM, Jasper St. Pierre <jstpierre mecheye net> wrote:

Thanks for your input. This was also my thinking.

More general, if you put away the term "filename" for a moment and take the
annotation as being utf-8 on Windows and null terminated random bytes on
POSIX, potentially encoded in the locale encoding, then both filenames and
argv/environ fit that description.

While argv could contain random data, it being null terminated limits its
usefulness in that regard. And if you focus on making applications platform
independent, with Windows only allowing filenames and text you are limited to
filenames and locale encoded text on POSIX.


I'm still wondering how this affects other bindings, besides PyGObject. If
there are no concerns or objections raised in the coming days I'll try to push
those changes upstream and add some info to the annotation page in the wiki.

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