Re: [Gimp-web] login: what the hell?

On 6/1/20 12:55 AM, Jairo Supelano G. wrote:

Hi Jairo,

[Hint to other repliers: Jairo is not yet subscribed to the list, so
please CC]

I was trying to login to the developer mailing list from Safari using
the links from the contact page.
this was then, I assume.

The mailing lists link there takes you to That page is mostly about our
mailing lists (you are currently writing to the gimp-web one, but also
has a few other links near its end.

One of them leads to our bug tracker at, and this is where you
likely have
encountered the login issue, namely

It says there are no new subscriptions due to spam, and there are
other services to login. I tried to login using Github, and when I
placed my credentials from Github and tried to login, it sends me
back to the same login page.If I place my Github credentials and
click on the Github, it sends me back to the login page. If I place
nothing, but having started session in Github, I click on the Github
login and again, it sends me back to the login page.
Someone has recently noted that this login process needs Javascript to
work, so if you have disabled this in Safari - or used an add-on to only
enable this on specific sites, you should make sure it is enabled for

Once the user who noticed this did so, they could log in to the GNOME
GitLab instance with e.g. a the and/or a login
without any problems.

The spam issue being mentioned on that page is like that:

There are spam bots out there actively searching for GitLab instances
and registering lots and lots of fake users and posting spam on issue
reports, and GNOME simply doesn't have the resources to monitor this
constantly, unlike e.g. and can afford to do.

And If I say screw it and try to close the tab, it does not close the
tab, and if I move the tab that has the login page to a new window,
and try to close the window from Safari, it won’t close. So, again,
what the hell? does the Gimp login has such an ego that believes the
user is not allowed to close the page, even if totally useless? I am
writing this by searching in Google ‘Gimp mail list’, and since I was
not able to post to the developer list I write here to request
This reads like it might be an issue with Safari, or maybe your specific
Safari if there are any special addons - that#s hard to tell without
knowing any more details. And again, you were not trying to log in to
the developer mailing list, but the issue tracker.

For the actual gimp-developer mailing list, you could have posted to the
list address like you posted to the gimp-web one, even without
subscribing - your message would end up in the moderation quque, but
would be found by a list moderator and then moderated though.

Now, on to the feature requests (which you should still file once the
login problem is sorted out):


better transparency: I’ve noticed that Gimp is quite similar to
Fireworks from Adobe / Macromedia, but even though Fireworks was
discontinued in 2013 it has better brushes and transparency. Not only
can I set a transparent background without ‘hacks’ or tricks, but I
can see the transparent areas, and both with pencils, brushes, paint
buckets and other ways I can handle different levels of transparency,
as it has alpha as a color channel instead of an option
What exactly are the hacks and tricks you mention? There are various
ways for painting transparency in GIMP as well ,but without more details
it is hard to tell if you are referring to those.

textured brushes. I don’t mean a set of bitmaps repeated in
succession, but randomized patterns and patterns that are linked to
the position in the bitmap, not a sequence in a list. That means that
I can choose from a list a rock or metal texture, and as I paint it
will look as a rock or a metal sheet, not a series of rock bitmaps or
a series of metal pieces
I think we got an existing feature request for something similar.

efficient filters and effects. Yea yea, python because is hipster and
stuff. The result is that instead of clicking on the filter name and
watch the results even in a current computer with enough memory and
ssd drive, I have to wait half a minute to see the results, but even
though what I care is results and what I see on screen, I should be
happy because it was written in python
The idea there is to have more and more in GEGL, which can be quite fast
- but again, without some actual examples, it is hard to tell what
specifically you are referring to.

I think the best approach is to sort out your login problems ti GitLab -
if you need interactive support for this, you could join our #gimp IRC
channel on, preferably on European evening time - and then
search and or/file feature requests there as required.

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