[Gimp-user] 2.10.32 on Monterey M1


Monterey and M1 have been a disaster for mac users of Gimp. The worst initial problems were with selection; 
now, thankfully, fixed.

However, text handling is a complete, virtually unusable disaster. It’s one of those disasters that makes you 
wonder how it was possible to get from a smoothly working text handling system to here. “You can’t get there 
from here.” Yes, you can. No doubt this is Apple’s doing. Thank you Tim Cook. Not that Tim Cook could give a 
tinker’s curse.

There is, however, an aspect of this that is in the hands of the development team. I found an existing bug 
about the text system, and I wanted to add my own experiences. That, however, involved jumping through the 
Gitlab/Gnome/Gimp hoops to set up the appropriate account. I’m a grumpy old man, but not yet completely 
incompetent, and I gave up after a while. May I suggest the maxim: make it as simple as possible to report 
and update bugs. Please.

It is possible that recent changes have made the text situation worse. I’m currently using 2.10.32 on an M1 
running Monterey. Can anyone suggest an earlier build where text problems may not be as acute?


Peter West
pbw pbw id au
“But a Samaritan, as he journeyed, came to where he was, and when he saw him, he had compassion.”

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