Re: [Gimp-user] script-fu question

On 2021-10-16 7:56 a.m., att80 wrote:
1. I obtain the following warning:
            (/usr/lib64/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/script-fu/script-fu) is installing procedure "script-fu-apply-grid2" with a full 
menu path "<Image>/Script-Fu/Muntins" as menu label,
            this deprecated and will be an error in GIMP 3.0    I see other posts regarding this warming but 
no guidance on what the current practice is to define a menu label.

The script name and full menu path goes in to a script-fu-menu-register call. It has been that way since GIMP 2.4, IIRC. You can see examples of it in any of the scripts that are shipped with GIMP. It is also mentioned in the page at

2. I get the following message when I close gimp after running the script:
             EEEEeEeek! 1 GeglBuffers leaked
      I assume I have an image still active based upon google searching.  I have created two images (image 
and image1).  When I use gimp-image-delete, one is deleted and I get an error indicating that it does not 
exist. [snip]
   (gimp-display-new image)

I didn't go through the script in detail as it was rather long. I did notice the above. You are creating a new display but did not save the image ID. You need to pay attention to functions that return a value and do something with the return values.


Kevin.               | "Nerds make the shiny things that | distract the mouth-breathers, and
                                    | that's why we're powerful"
Owner of Elecraft K2 #2172          |
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