Re: [Gimp-user] Violation of GNOME Code of Conduct - ablelist language and discrimination

One point: by all means say the acronymic name of the project and
software is sub-optimal, but please provide a proposed better name.
And for the acronym?  A renaming of those 4 words fails on the first
and last I think.

They could be reordered without losing sense:-

GNU Image Manipulation Program could become GNU Manipulating Images Program.

It is a general principle of Open Source movements that nobody may (or
can) be prevented from doing the work and offering it, but that also
nobody may instruct anyone else that they must do some work.

Offer money, that'd be different, although none of this is work I'd
care to bid for.

You seem to be asserting that nobody would be upset by being called a gnome.
It isn't so.

However since there are more things than words, some words get used
for more than one thing.

Googling for gimp, Gimp or GIMP, I find the first result is for the
GNU Image Manipulation Program.

GIMP is a longstanding project, first announced in November 1995

It takes 4 paragraphs down from that to find anything else.  (And
that's an article in The Register telling us of the formation of
Glimpse.  It asserts the most modern - new - use of the word - which
I'd distinguish from the acronym, but that may be too subtle - gimp is
as given by the OP here.

GIMP is a longstanding project, first announced in November 1995

When did gimp start being used in the sense complained of?
"gimp leg" occurs in British fiction of I think the 1940s, perhaps
earlier, but always in relation to someone wounded in the leg during
one of the recent wars, as an adjective, and as a first person
description ("my gimp leg"), not a pejorative one about another
person.  However the use complained of may have arisen more recently.

When? BTW?

I first recall it in contemporary use in a film,Pulp Fiction,
referring to someone whose sexual tastes were unusual in a specific
way involving a leather suit and mask.  I think that unless the fox
changes his fur that would not be confused.

"Finally, if you still have strong feelings about the name "GIMP", you
should feel free to promote the use of the long form GNU Image
Manipulation Program"

Two points in that quote from the project website: it is the acronym
GIMP that is offered as the short form name, and the name is the long

Glimpse seems a misconceived reaction, and not really to what it was
presented as.
To fork the project and produce a new one whose mission statement
might be "A fork of the GNU Image Manipulation Program Project
intended to have exactly one difference: the name, which does not suit
everyone for various reasons" would do the job.  The OP is as free as
anyone else to do so and good luck.  I'd suggest that attempting to
acquire donations for anything more than the direct cost of
duplicating and storing the project would be unwise in terms of
Glimpse (not apparently an acronym?)

I'm not bothered, but then I've done no work in the project, whereas
the OP has perhaps made many useful contributions, and the maintainers
who have thought about it before certainly have.

Adrian Midgley

On Wed, 26 May 2021 at 13:01, Patrick Shanahan <paka opensuse org> wrote:
* Shlomi Fish <shlomif shlomifish org> [05-26-21 02:52]:
On Tue, 25 May 2021 17:14:45 -0400
Liam R E Quin <liam holoweb net> wrote:

On Tue, 2021-05-25 at 16:57 -0400, Patrick Shanahan wrote:
it would only be considered discriminatory if presented in a manner
depict discrimination.  as a mere application name, it is not
discriminatory, only distasteful to one who is so narrow of mind to
consider it so.

Pease don't try telling people that they don't find something
unpleasant.  The term is used as an insult in some regions.  Calling
people names (narrow-minded) for being offended merely adds insult to
an injury.

There do seem to be cultural and linguistic differences in the
relationship between people and symbols.  The role of tone of voice
differs between cultures too.


I think people should encourage criticism and learn how to grow a thicker skin
and to handle crit:
 yes, even women can and should. i took some insults to my advantage:



yes, we are all entitled to our opinions and to express them.  and they
should only be admonished when directly related to *intentionally* causing
harm or discomfort to an individual or group.  keyword being

(paka)Patrick Shanahan       Plainfield, Indiana, USA          @ptilopteri    openSUSE Community Member    facebook/ptilopteri
Photos:               paka @ IRCnet freenode
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