Re: [Gimp-user] Opening 16 bit SGI file

Michael Izquierdo via gimp-user-list (gimp-user-list gnome org) wrote:
When I open a 16 bit SGI file, it is always converted to 8 bit sRGB. I
convert it to 16 bit Linear Light and i can see the 16 bit RGB values, but
it doesn't match the hex dat that I see in the SGI file. It's close, but
not exactly the same.
It seems that the sgi plugin does not implement 16 bit loading at all,
so in the best case it drops the low byte for a start...

The SGI plugin creates an image using the babl format "R'G'B'A u8", so
it provides 8 bit data to the gimp that assumes the sRGB gamma curve.

When converting this to linear light (i.e. "no gamma" or gamma = 1) this
gamma curve gets compensated for, which shifts the values around, so it
is not really surprising that the values change.

I suspect to get proper support for your situation the first target
would be the file-sgi plugin. It needs to be extended to pass 16 bit (or
even higher?) values to the Gimp core in the first place. Probably not
that hard, but then - I have no clue at all about the sgi file format...


              simon budig de    

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