[Gimp-user] GIMP 2.8.16 on VDI Platform

Hello Team,

As you know due to COVID-19, all the Academic Institutes across Australia have compulsorily planned to 
deliver the Academic requirements to be accessed from home, as such Latrobe University is no exception.

In the light of present situation Latrobe is building a VDI (Virtual Desktop Interface) for staff and 
students to access the software and have a distance learning environment. I am aware that GIMP 2.8.16 is a 
freeware with no restrictions of usage, however I could not find any limitations/restrictions related to 
Virtual Desktop Interface on your website.

Does your Software Licensing Agreement allow a Virtual Interface / Access for GIMP 2.8.16.

Latrobe would really appreciate your co-operation and assistance in helping us in this situation.
Kindly enlighten us if we can proceed in providing a Virtual Environment Access to students.

Awaiting a quick response.

Thanks & Regards
Shravani Gopishetty

IT Asset Officer
Information Services | La Trobe University | Victoria 3086
T: +61 3 9479 8837 | M: +61 481 372 327 | E: S Gopishetty latrobe edu au<mailto:S Gopishetty latrobe edu au> 
| www.latrobe.edu.au<https://www.latrobe.edu.au/>

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