Re: [Gimp-user] Image Compression

Thank you for your help. I will give that a try. I know about copyright issues but when I scan in books or magazines it is for my personal use. I never distribute them.

On December 2, 2020 17:46:20 Liam R E Quin <liam holoweb net> wrote:

On Wed, 2020-12-02 at 10:59 -0500, Jason Amerson via gimp-user-list

I scanned in a magazine as JPEGs, 300 dpi and high compression, but
still each file is over a megabyte. When I create a PDF using these
files, it is over 250 MB. I was wondering if you could tell me how to
compress these files in GIMP so that the resulting PDF will be of
normal size.

A PDF for printing is nomally hundreds of megabytes per page.

if you mean, normal compared to PDF files on the Web, scale the images
down to e.g. 96ppi. )96dpi). You may need to use unsharp mask on htem a
little afterwards.

Obviously a magazine will be copyright, as Cliff pointed out, so
remember it's not in general legal to redistribute even for no money.
unless you get permission, unless both the magazine and all items in it
are out of copyright- e.g. it's mover than 70 years since the death of
any artist or writer involved.

Liam (slave ankh)

Liam Quin - web slave for
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