[Gimp-user] Take a picture with Raspberry pi directly from Gimp


I am using Gimp for basic editing of images that I take with various cameras but is there a possibility to 
take a picture directly from a Raspberry pi camera (control the camera from within Gimp)?

Michael axelsson

Michael Axelsson, Professor
University of Gothenburg, Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences
Box 463
SE-405 30 Gothenburg

Map: https://goo.gl/maps/yk9hYU3ZksT2
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Fax:         +46-31- 41 67 29
E-mail:    michael axelsson gu se<mailto:michael axelsson gu se>
Web:      http://www.bioenv.gu.se/personal/Axelsson_Michael/
Web:     http://microsurgery.se/
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Skype:     michael.axelsson
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