Re: [Gimp-user] Python-Fu entry lost since upgrade Gimp 2.10.8 -> 2.10.10

On recent Ubuntus, from 18.04 you need a gimp-python package (name from
memory) to enable Python  support in Gimp. Gimp uses Python 2.7.

On 4/27/19 6:57 PM, garan wrote:
Since Gimp 2.10.10 I neither have a  Python-Fu entry nor are my Gimp Python
scripts accessible.

* Operating system: Linux (Lubuntu).
* Package: ppa (otto-kesselgulasch)

The call:

     $ gimp --verbose --console-messages

is answered by the system:

     Querying plug-in: '/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/spyro_plus/'
     gimp: LibGimpBase-WARNING: gimp: gimp_wire_read(): error
     Terminating plug-in:
     ((and all my own python scripts))

Might it be related to the fact that my system knows to Pythons:  *Python*
--which is Python 2.7 --  and *Python3*?

It is weird that that I am the only one who ist faced with these problems?

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