Re: [Gimp-user] Can this Darken mode Layer in PS be done somehow on Gimp

On 6/18/19 9:23 AM, TheDarboyRealtor wrote:

Sometimes I like to use video...since it shows you more of what I can only
attempt to explain.

Just to around 15 minutes or so....he repeated the process some 3 - 5 times to
show how it works

I am in real estate, we try to overexpose shots for the windows to fully expose
the outside view.  Trying the bring that through the Ambients and Bright Shots
can be very time consuming....until I saw guys doing this on Photoshop.

A few years ago I reworked a bunch of real estate photos.  You can see a
couple of examples here, including a very relevant interior shot where I
paid a little extra attention to preserving the view through the windows
while correcting the interior light:

In the GIMP, a layer mask amounts to a black and white (grayscale that
is) layer attached to an image layer.  Paint part of the mask black, and
the corresponding part of the layer it's attached to becomes
transparent; shades of gray produce partial transparency.  The
brightness of the windows in the "after' version of the phot remain the
same because I added a mask to the layer and painted those parts black,
after making the interior a lot brighter.

Before adjusting the light in the image, I changed its geometry rather a
lot:  First I used the Perspecitve tool (main tool box) to stretch the
image, getting the walls and ceiling 'squared up' with the viewport.
Then I used the Lens Distortion filter (Filters > Distort > Lens
Disortion) to correct a little 'barrel distortion'.  Then I copied the
modified base image as two new layers.  I used the Levels and Curves
tools to correct the interior lighting on the top layer, added a layer
mask to that layer, and painted the mask black as needed to bring the
windows back to their pre-filter appearance in the layer under the top

I used the tools mentioned above a /lot/ while working on real estate
photos.  I'm sure you will get lots of mileage out of them as well.


But I have tried at least to my ability to duplicate and every effort on my
part, causes the masking to bring the dark window layer through but covers up
the white window frames...unlike what this video shows. ...

So perhaps the values work differently or the order... or perhaps this is just
not possible on Gimp at this time.

I am truly hoping it can be duplicated here and I just don't know what I am
doing wrong :-)

Thanks in advance for your expertise and a great product!

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