[Gimp-user] Gimp displays photos with white background, even though they should be transparrent

PS uses a non-standard feature called a 'clipping path' You can this
find in jpegs and tiffs formats that do not usually support
transparency. Usually meant for some sort of desktop publishing

The PS clipping path can be created two ways. 

If you are lucky, there will be a path in the paths dialogue. Make
sure the image has an alpha channel. Make a selection from path (might
need to invert it). Delete the selection.

If you are unlucky, it has been made for use in some other PS
application such as Illustrator. No path, not much you can do with it,
except remove the white background. Various ways, depends on the

Thank you very much for your quick reply! I really appreciate it and will look
into it!

Allcollect (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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