Re: [Gimp-user] Despeckling photos

On 12/4/19 1:44 AM, Liam R E Quin wrote:
On Wed, 2019-12-04 at 03:39 +0100, Gimp_Noob wrote:
I have several photos which I'd like to try to clean up as best I

First, scan at higher resolution than yu plan to use. At least double.

SOmetimes i find that select by colour works well.
(1) make sure you have both blacks andwhites in your image, e.g. with
levels or curves.
(2) select by colour on a white area.
(3) grow selection e.g. 2 pixels
)4_ shrink selectin by 2 pixels
(6) feather by 1 pixel (requires greyscale or RGB iamge, not indexed)
(7) fill with white (e.g. drag the swatch from the toolbox, or use
control-. or control-,)
(8) select none

repeat steps 2 to 8 with black instead of white.

Can you explain what steps 3 and 4 acconplish?  It seems like they should
cancel each other.


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