Re: [Gimp-user] faded photo

On Fri, 2018-06-08 at 21:23 +0200, lkl316 wrote:
I have a kodacolor photo that was totally in color. It was unframed
and a
leaking roof left  it totally washed out. It shows very faint color.
I s there
any technique using Gimp that can restore the color?

Hard to tell without seeing it, but increasing saturation may help (in
the colours menu). Unfortunately different colours may be affected at
different rates, so you may have to experiment a lot. Work in stages,
and don't overdo it - there's always undo.

Liam (ankh)

Liam Quin, W3C,

Available for XML/Document/Information Architecture/
XSLT/XQuery/Web/Text Processing work and consulting.

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