Re: [Gimp-user] Surface pro 4 pressure sensitivity


On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 6:40 PM jason kolano via gimp-user-list <
gimp-user-list gnome org> wrote:

Hi.  I can't get pressure sensitivity with my pen on my surface pro using
gimp.  Does anyone have experience with this?

I am guessing it may work if you install the optional Wintab drivers from

Basically GIMP only has support for Wintab drivers (and in particular not
the new Ink API which Microsoft is now pushing forward; though we'd love to
have support but that would require someone to step up and implement this
in GTK+).

Note that some people (on bug reports) have problems with higher versions
of the Surface Pro and Microsoft does not mention anymore optional Wintab
drivers from v5 and above. Therefore it is possible that GIMP may not work
on recent versions, but you may still be fine with the version 4 which you

Of course this is all just a lot of assumptions from what I could gather
from the web, since I have not such a device (and I think none of other
GIMP developers have one either).

If you manage to get GIMP working on the surface pro 4, please tell us.
This will be an interesting input.
Also you may want to try with the version GIMP 2.10.6, and not the latest
2.10.8, as there is a bug which affected some tablets on Windows (no idea
if it would affect this one too, but no harm on being double sure).


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