[Gimp-user] Lensfun with Gimp

I have Lensfun installed and working well with Huggin.
If I want to use the Lensfun database in Gimp, do I just need the
plugin, i.e. the plugin will find the installed Lensfun and not
install a new database.

As I haven't easily found the plugin for Opensuse Leap 42.3, I am
assuming my best option is to build it from Github

AFAIK the only use for lensfun with Gimp is when you need to import a
digital-camera RAW image with a plugin.

OpenSuse 42.3 looks like still using Gimp 2.8.18 The only plugin I can think of
will be ufRAW, probably in the Opensuse repo to install. It is old, there is a
updated version nufraw which you will probably have to compile yourself. The
screenshot show that opening an image and the lens adjustments.

For applications that use lensfun, it will already be there as a hugin
dependency. Look for /usr/lib/liblensfun.so.0 or similar.

If you just want to apply a lens correction to an image there are Gimp filters,
look in Filters -> Distorts and 'Apply Lens' or 'Lens Distortion'

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/748/original/nufraw.jpg

rich404 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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