Re: [Gimp-user] A question from a potential new user.

On Fri, 2017-11-03 at 22:10 +0000, Peter Prangley wrote:
Dear Sir,

I use a Canon EOS 10D digital camera and have, up until now, saved my
pictures using Canon's RAW format (e.g. CRW_xxxx.CRW).

RawTherapee and DarkTable can both process CRW files (as i understand
it) and you can then edit them in 8-bit mode in GIMP.

The 2.9 Gimp development version of GIMP can edit in higher bit depths,
making use of more of the detail in the image, but you can still tell
with Gimp 2.8 whether it was an L-series lens :)


Liam Quin, W3C,
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