[Gimp-user] Painting on transparency


I seem not to be allowed to paint over transparencies.
I tried to lock/unlock transparency but theres no effect. I am able to
paint over  pixels either in lock or unlock mode, but I can only paint
over transparencies when they're not locked.

Your help is appreciated, thanks!

Gimp 2.8.22 in windows 10 pro 64 bits.

You have the pixel lock on, which prevents painting on that layer.

The **alpha lock** prevents painting on the alpha channel but there is no
function to **only** paint on the transparent area but not the opaque (white)

If you want to paint in that transparent area then a couple of ways

Draw a selection constraining to the required area. or

Make a new transparent layer under the base layer and paint on that.

rich: www.gimp-forum.net

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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