Re: [Gimp-user] tips on working with gigantic files?

Hey, just wanted to follow up on the gigapixel editing...

I tried the overcommit_memory thing, clearing undo history, making a big swap, changing tile size, etc. Nothing seemed to help with my particular image on my particular system, but I appreciate the tips. Guess I just need a lot more memory. :-)

I wasn't able to do any editing or adjustment on the image, since most tools would crash out the program, but I was able to stitch it all together in a mostly satisfying way by piecing it out and using montage. I then put it online using OpenSeadragon.

I think for now I will not work with such large images. It's just too painful. :-) But it's nice to have some tools to work with medium size stuff.

Thanks for the help!


P.S. - Here's the pic, if anyone's interested:

Slightly edited (small) version is here <>.

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