[Gimp-user] printing more than 1 image per sheet

Hi all

newbie here - I have a printer that uses A4 sheets.  I have 6"x4"
[152.4mm x 101.6mm] images and I want to print more than 1 image per
A4 sheet and then cut into single pictures after.  Please advise how 
can do this.

many thanks

All sorts of ways, but start with a Standard Gimp A4 template which is already
set up as 300 ppi suitable for printing. You will only get 2 photos per sheet.

Then it can be as simple as scaling your photographs to 1200 x 1800 pixels (4" x
6" @ 300 ppi) if not already that size and copy / paste into the A4 template.

I prefer something a little more advanced, using layer masks.

A how-to video here https://youtu.be/t6vQ0GdTF6c

And the A4 2 photo template attached. A Gimp .xcfgz opens straight up in Gimp 

rich: www,gimp-forum.net

* http://www.gimpusers.com/system/attachments/443/original/2photo.xcfgz

rich2005 (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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