Re: [Gimp-user] Brush painting in wrong colour?

On 08/01/17 15:40, Rick Strong wrote:
What rich2005 says.

Or, SELECT > BY COLOR, click on the red and fill with your green using the bucket.

No, because this will not select the border pixels and you keep a faint red rim. Only two good methods here:

1) Rich's Rotate colors (which works because we are on a white background so the edge pixels are mostly a desaturated version of the others, but the output color must be about as saturated as the input one)

2) Color replacement (in full RGB mode):

- Layer>Transparency>Add alpha channel
- Color>Color-to-alpha and remove the red (this replaces the logo with transparency) - Set the bucket-fill tool to "Behind" mode and bucket-fill the whole layer (no selection!) with the required color

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