Re: [Gimp-user] HELP - "ps" and "eps" load and save

For some reason, your message has appeared 15 hours late. I just saw it.

Please contact me at the email address posted on my website.


On Fri, Feb 17, 2017 at 5:59 AM, pella <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

Hallo to everyone..!! this was my first post.
I'm a long long long time enthusiast Gimp user, i use it for work, i'm web
developer and web graphics designer. I've ever used Gimp on Linux
and often on Windows machines.

NOW (for my huge trouble) i'm using a Mac PRO with OS Sierra distribution.
(no comment on this)

I'm surprise but with the Mac version i can't load the file-eps and
file-ps load
and save procedures ...
i've installed the latest Ghostscript enviroment, and all the postscript
is correctly installed on this damned OS Sierra.

the only solution i've find was to use (instead of the official Gimp for
2.8) the Partha versione of Gimp..: the McGimp 2.8

with this "gimp distribution" the "procedures" for loading and saving with
postscript was correctly loaded and work well.
But McGimp have a graphic issue that make "Gimp" vary hard to use.. the
window disappear any time you click outside the image window :(

Someone of you have any advice to give me..?
On this anbearable Mac machine i've got also the whole Adobe Creative Cloud
suite.. but Gimp works better for a wide range of situation and it result
and more friendly than Adobe Apps... don't tell to me to convert in ps o
with other software, i can do it but i DON'T WANT to DO it.

Thanks to all for replies..

pella (via
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