Re: [Gimp-user] Make a text layer with semi-transparent background?

On 10/02/17 20:34, billlee wrote:
I wish to place a text layer with a semi-transparent background on a photo so
it'll stand out on the somewhat cluttered photo.

I expect this is easy, but I'm not getting how to put the steps together in the
correct order. I think I'm stuck at making text layer's transparent background

I'll be very grateful for any assistance!


What you want to be semi-transparent doesn't need to be the text background(*). It can be any layer. So just add a transparent layer, move it behind the text layer, make a (rectangular or else) selection, and bucket-fill the selection (with white or some other color), then use the opacity slider at the top of the layers list to reduce the opacity.

(*) It isn't even a good idea, because the text layer is usually a tight fit on the sides with big top and bottom margins. You likely want something more balanced.

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