Re: [Gimp-user] 32bit float image opens white?

Well, I'll be darned if I can make it happen now. It happened about 40 times in a row, I got the example all ready, it happened with that as expected, uploaded it, sent the message to the list, and it magically never happens. Rebooted, still doesn't happen. Also doesn't happen with all the images I was seeing it with yesterday.

I did nothing at all in gimp except open the test images and convert between precisions. E.g. no changing of settings or moving of windows or doing anything else in the OS in general. The "perceptual gamma" vs "linear light" setting was probably the only thing that changed, but nothing I do with it now seems to make the bug come back.

Tried after removing my .gimp*/ and .config/GIMP directories, no change.

So... Nevermind, I guess? :-) I'll let you know if I see it again. It's just weird that it happened repeatedly and predictably over a couple days, and then it suddenly stops... the magic of asking the mailing list, I suppose. :-)


On 02/06/2017 11:32 AM, gimp-user-list gnome org wrote:
Ack, hold on, it suddenly started working somehow, even after repeatedly not working as I prepared that email... stand by...

On 02/06/2017 11:29 AM, Casey Connor wrote:

Is it possible to get hold of this image to test it?

Sure, here's one --

It happens on any image; and it turns out it's not just white, it's some kind of clipped version of the image, apparently. Changing to any floating point format doesn't help; changing to an integer format makes it appear correctly. Note that the layer thumbnail appears correctly (presumably it's converted to an integer format when generated.)

How I made and checked the image:

$ wget
$ gmic -median_files w\*.png -o wilber_median.tif
$ identify wilber_median.tif
wilber_median.tif TIFF 300x224 300x224+0+0 32-bit sRGB 1.077MB 0.000u 0:00.000
$ gimp wilber_median.tif

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