Re: [Gimp-user] Can't insert text in text box, draws box but insists on 0 pixels or pts.

On Sunday 17 December 2017 14:21:51 Steve Kinney wrote:

Has anybody seen or heard of the behavior described below
(multi-broken text tool, bizarre 'pencil' tool behavior)?  It's all
new to me.

My first suggestion would be to remove the GIMP, rename or delete the
.gimp file in the /home directory, and install the latest available
version from the repos.  Because I don't /think/ anything external to
the GIMP itself could cause those diverse failure modes.


I'll do that and advise. Thank you Steve Kinney.

On 12/16/2017 08:54 PM, Gene Heskett wrote:
Greetings all;

debian wheezy, up to date as of right now. gimp-2.8.2

I call up gimp to add some arrows and text boxes to some pix I want
to use in an article for the linuxcnc wiki.

I load the pix, then select the big A in the single column, screen+
height tool list, (I could mutter at length about that) set the font
to hack bold, and its size to 64 pixels. Then go click on the spot I
want the text to start at. get a 4square box, and what I thought was
the text entry requester just above it.

But no matter what I type in what I think is the text entry window
of a teeny requester, the 4 adjoining squares indicating where the
text should go, remain stuck to each other and it doesn't help to
pull it out for what should be a suitably sized box, nothing shows
up, and the duplicate text size selection stays at zero. And if I
hover the mouse over that box it tells me its for font adjustments.
So I crank the multiselector to 64 pixels, re-enter hack bold in the
box of the requester then click on the pix and once I was able to
see the 3 three characters I typed, but if I leave that area of the
pix to click on an increase or decrease arrow make the text larger
or smaller, everything is cleared and the font is reset to sans 18,
and the text that was visible is cleared, so nothing actually makes
it into the picture and even the undo selector stays greyed out.

What the hell folks? Why is it so adamant about the font being sans
and size 0 or 18 despite what I have set, and why can't I go back
and forth, adjusting it to do what I want without its clearing out
all previous settings, including reverting the box I drug out to a
suitable size back to the 4square target.

So I'm again lost, have to learn how to use gimp all over again. How
about a stable interface, one that works like it did 15 years ago,
and works the same this year, and works the same next year?

So how DO I insert caption text into a picture with this 2.8.2

Next I suppose I get the text installed, then try to draw a freehand
arrow connecting the text to the part being discussed in the
accompanying text, and find that been changed too?
Just to check, the pencil only has one color, random. Set it for 50%
transparency and draw, looks line a line of spilled glitter, each
pixel a different color.  Spit, undo.



Cheers, Gene Heskett

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Cheers, Gene Heskett
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 soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
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