Re: [Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.9.8 released

On 12/12/2017 02:41 PM, Michael Natterer wrote:

finally, a new development snapshot!

We just released the fourth development snapshot in the
GIMP 2.9.x series leading to GIMP 2.10.

This is an unstable development preview and might crash
or do whatever. If you try it for work, please save your
images more often.

For a complete list of changes since 2.9.6 please see the
"Changes" section below.

There is also a release announcement on
with screenshots and some videos:

Happy GIMPing,

Wow!!! I'm impressed with all the work that's been going on!  I'm
totally looking forward to GIMP 2.10!!!!! :)


  GIMP 2.9.8 is available from:

  and from the mirrors listed at:

  The checksum of the tarball is:

  bade4163fb5b7a2063e1db570f27242f  gimp-2.9.8.tar.bz2

Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.9.6 to GIMP 2.9.8


  - The default brush is now "Hardness 050".
  - Verbose version (command line: gimp -v) now displays C compiler
  - Transform tools don't commit identity transformation anymore.
  - Manual language can now be selected amongst all installed manuals,
    which is particularly interesting when no GIMP manuals are 
    available in your GUI language. This will be proposed by default
    when a manual is not installed for the GUI language (alongside the
    possibility to read online) and the choice can be edited in
  - The statusbar now blinks on warnings and errors.
  - Paste in Place, available for regular clipboard and named buffers,
    allows pasting contents of either the clipboard a named buffer at
    the exact coordinates it was copied from.
  - Color Picker should now work on KDE/Wayland.
  - Color Picker now reads values under cursor in local windows making
    it work at least inside GIMP Windows on Wayland platforms with no
    color-picking capabilities (for instance GNOME/Wayland) yet.
  - OpenCL is now disabled by default. Depending on graphics cards and
    drivers, OpenCL acceleration is often slower than multi-threaded
    implementation, and can also sometimes be "glitchy".
  - Now possible to open a locally-installed manual different from the
    GUI localization. The manual language choice can be customized
    through preferences when several manuals are installed. If no
    manual language has been selected already and no manual for   
    current GUI localization is available, choice of help language
    will be proposed at first call to the manual.
I do have a question about OpenCL support.  If it's disabled by default,
how does one enable it?



/When we dance, you have a way with me,
Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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