Re: [Gimp-user] BMP Image

Do control+e to open the Export menu, type in a file name ending in
.bmp, and click the magic button...

I was not aware that .bmp images can be indexed; the most common indexed
format is .gif.  Depending on the number of colors in the .bmp image,
.gif may give acceptable results and a much smaller file size on disc.

The logical reason to convert a .bmp file to an indexed format would be
to get a that smaller file size for the same size image - .bmp uses /no/
compression to reduce file size, and the result is /big/ image files,
while .gif uses an efficient file compression method (that's what
indexing is, more or less).

Check here for lots more details - also other pages in the same part of
the website:


On 09/30/2016 05:27 PM, pattyJ wrote:

I'm a newbie too, but have you tried Exporting it? From that dialog box you can
choose Windows Bitmap (bmp). I'm afraid I don't know what indexes are in this


Hello everyone.....

100% Gimp beginner here as u gonna see in my question...   :)

How to save an image into BMP? ant then make it indexed?

Thanks to whom may Reply.....

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