Re: [Gimp-user] Question about RGB to CMYK conversion and print work

Tom Williams (tomdkat comcast net) wrote:
I'm helping a friend of mine create a business card for a new business. 
I created the card in GIMP and it looks great!  The plan is to order
cards through VistaPrint.   Anyway, according to the VistaPrint website,
they recommend uploading designs in a CMYK mode.   Since I created my
card in GIMP, it's in RGB mode.

I'd recommend to not fiddle with it now. Vistaprint will do their own
conversion, which is likely to be better than your conversion, since
they do know their own processes.

In fact I had lots of "fun" some time ago, where I absolutely sent them
a CMYK PDF file and they still fiddled with it, adding a little bit of
black to my vibrant yellow, resulting in quite dull colors...

              simon budig de    

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