Re: [Gimp-user] gimp-user-list Digest, Vol 58, Issue 11

Is there an official ubuntu PPA for gimp?? Or one that's from
the people developing gimp?

I'd like to install a version of gimp that has more than 8 bits/color
channel and wonder about the best way to do that.

Alternately if anybody has compiling advice, like a step by step
tutorial, that could be another way. I've compiled small things, but
long ago. Never a program for a linux distro.

I'm using ubuntu studio 16.04 64 bit.

Thanks in advance.

On Thu, Jul 14, 2016, at 19:59, gimp-user-list-request gnome org wrote:
Send gimp-user-list mailing list submissions to
      gimp-user-list gnome org

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      gimp-user-list-owner gnome org

When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
than "Re: Contents of gimp-user-list digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.9.4 released (Rick Strong)
   2. Re:  [Gimp-developer] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.9.4 released (C R)
   3.  Positioning an image. (MikeS)
   4.  Positioning an image. (MikeS)
   5.  the Gimp prompt bar font color seem to wrong (juek)
   6.  Tool tips don't work ver 2.8 (outzider)
   7.  Two different Wacom tablets - Pressure Sensitivity (Lancer)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 13:32:24 -0400
From: "Rick Strong" <rnstrong magma ca>
To: "Michael Natterer" <mitch gimp org>,        "GIMP Developer"
      <gimp-developer-list gnome org>,        "GIMP User"
      <gimp-user-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.9.4 released
Message-ID: <72657861F8914BD8A4C00975543562A9@RickPC>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="utf-8";

Wow! That's quite a list of changes. Kudos to all involved.
Rick Strong

-----Original Message----- 
From: Michael Natterer 
Sent: Wednesday, July 13, 2016 4:12 PM 
To: GIMP Developer ; GIMP User 
Subject: [Gimp-user] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.9.4 released 


We just released the second development snapshot in the
GIMP 2.9.x series leading to GIMP 2.10.

This is an unstable development preview and might crash
or do whatever. If you try it for work, please save your
images more often.

For a complete list of changes since 2.9.2 please see the
"Changes" section below. We will also post more detailed
news about GIMP 2.9 on soon, stay tuned.

Happy GIMPing,



Message: 2
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 22:04:19 -0600
From: C R <cajhne gmail com>
To: Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org>
Cc: GIMP User <gimp-user-list gnome org>,       GIMP Developer
      <gimp-developer-list gnome org>
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] ANNOUNCE: GIMP 2.9.4
      <CABdJpS6xHeB=fDV0GvEMpo4b5Tv9jt0VfDqa1jwAu7q5U7LkqQ mail gmail com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Thanks to everyone for making this happen! I'm certainly looking forward
trying out the new toys, fixes and revisions.

Cheers, and great work!

On Wed, Jul 13, 2016 at 2:12 PM, Michael Natterer <mitch gimp org> wrote:


We just released the second development snapshot in the
GIMP 2.9.x series leading to GIMP 2.10.

This is an unstable development preview and might crash
or do whatever. If you try it for work, please save your
images more often.

For a complete list of changes since 2.9.2 please see the
"Changes" section below. We will also post more detailed
news about GIMP 2.9 on soon, stay tuned.

Happy GIMPing,


  GIMP 2.9.4 is available from:

  and from the mirrors listed at:

  Please use the torrent, it distributes
  the download bandwidth across all mirrors:

  The checksum of the tarball is:

  6b3d425a7949110eeb532badedf721f3  gimp-2.9.4.tar.bz2

Overview of Changes from GIMP 2.9.2 to GIMP 2.9.4


  Color Management:
  - add new GimpColorTransform object to create abstraction from
  - now color-managed:
    - layer/image/color palette/gradient/pattern previews
    - Color Picker tool
    - color buttons of GimpColorHistory
    - GimpFgBgEditor, as used e.g. in the toolbox
    - color selectors
    - DND widget
    - painting tools
    - copying layers/paste buffer between images
    - Colors applied to images
    - GimpColorPanel and its color dialog (color widgets in dialogs)
    - color areas created from menu actions
  - color management for grayscale images, including setting preferred
    ICC profile
  - add fast switching between color managed display and soft-proofing
  - add a per-image "is color managed" switch and show the image's
    "is color managed" state in the window title string
  - add basic support for creating images with color profiles
  - add "Optimize" options for display and soft-proofing to optionally
    speed-up rendering at the cost of color fidelity
  - add Image -> Color Management -> Save Color Profile to File...
  - improve the naming of generated ICC profiles
  - add a shortcut to the profile chooser dialog on OS X too
  - don't let display color management settings affect file import
  - enable color management when a profile is assigned to the image
  - enable color management when the image is converted from/to
  - pass the right color profile around in gimp_selection_float()
  - hardcode the CMYK selector's conversion parameters, as well as NTSC
    parameters in babl/GEGL/GIMP
  - have all previews track the monitor they are on

  - add "Select -> Flood" select action
  - add "Select -> Remove Holes" action
  - add "Border style" combo to the "Select -> Border..." dialog
  - do not request xcf compat mode when compat_toggle not sensitive
  - initialize fontconfig in the background to be able to show a
    pulsing progress bar when rebuilding the list of fonts (typically,
    the first time GIMP runs)
  - fix the Behind blending mode
  - make Burn mode output match Gimp 2.8 (partial revert of bug 744265)
  - improve file magic matching
  - add a custom guide concept
  - improve updating the statusbar messages and icons


  - move the image-duplicate action next to image-new
  - add Image -> Color Management -> Color Management Enabled
  - change "Select _Custom Color..." to "_Custom Color..."
  - change "Export" to "Export..." in the File menu

  - include recently used colors in the Dockable Colors dialog
  - add RGB-based Luminance channel to the Histogram dialog
  - fix remembering the order of dockable dialogs

  - reorder the prefs categories tree and rename some pages
  - move "Snap Distance" to the prefs dialog's "Snapping" page
  - add configuration for undo preview size
  - clean-up Preferences -> Color Management
  - add "Shortcut [some modifier] + Mousewheel" for changing pen size

  - rename theme "Default" into "System"
  - add new GUI themes: Lighter, Light, Gray, Dark, Darker

  - add icon theme selection and make the icon theme path configurable
    in prefs
  - preserve 2.8 pixel-perfect icon theme under the name "Legacy"
  - add new symbolic icon theme for GIMP
  - add a scalable icon theme and a configure option --enable-vector-

  - add new GimpBufferSourceBox widget and use it in GimpOperationTool

  - fix various bugs related to rotated canvas
  - make GIMP not ignore 'Maximized' hints on startup in Windows
  - enable a pulsing progress bar in the splash
  - make new images jump around much less
  - fix image position when entering/leaving fullscreen mode
  - make layer boundary re-drawn correctly on scrolling
  - make images not appear completely black when images dockable is
  - have all previews track the monitor they are on


  Fuzzy Select:
  - add "Diagonal neighbors" option

  Foreground Select:
  - fix ghost brush outline

  Bucket Fill:
  - add "Diagonal neighbors" option

  - turn the posterize tool into an ordinary GEGL filter
  - remove posterize from Tools -> Colors

  - turn the Desaturate tool into a normal GEGL filter
  - move "Desaturate" to Colors -> Desaturate

  - add vertical offset to distribution options

  - improve performance

  - rename options to "Transform" and "Direction"

  Cage Transform:
  - fix a few performance issue

  Unified Transform:
  - make the tool not fail when currently selected layer is hidden

  - fix text input methods to work in-place (not in an overlayed box)
  - add background colors setting, only exposed for advanced input

  - use gegl:distance-transform in the blend tool, it has a progress
  - make shapeburst work with the new interactive gradient code

  All Painting Tools:
  - add mirror symmetry
  - remove artifacts from painting tools in Burn blending mode
  - add shortcut actions for changing spacing, hardness, and force

  - dramatically improve performance of the tool and enable it by
  - add Colorize mode
  - add a toggle to change between erase & paint mode
  - add a brush selector to the MyPaint brush options
  - add a dockable dialog to choose a brush, with tagging
  - read tags from MyPaint brushes
  - improve blend math
  - allow plug-ins to register procedures in the <MyPaintBrushes> menu

  - fix the clipping of out-of-gamut channel values
  - fix the handling of layers with alpha channels

  - the range of angle is now [-PI..PI]

Plug-ins/GEGL Filters:

  - add a "split preview" feature to GEGL ops
  - allow to switch the split preview between horizontal and vertical
  - allow to swap the before/after position

  - update the "Recently used" menu with GEGL filters
  - replace Selective Gaussian Blur with the GEGL version
  - add gegl:saturation as Colors -> Saturation
  - add gegl:high-pass as Filters > Enhance > High Pass
  - add new gegl:gegl filter that executes a custom processing chain
  - port Tile and Pagecurl plug-ins to GEGL
  - refactor the screenshot plug-in into backend and front-ends, one
    per, Wayland, Windows, OS X
  - add Monochrome option to the GEGL version of Channel Mixer
  - bring dialog titles and help IDs to GEGL filter dialogs

  File Plug-Ins:
  - add darktable plug-in to pre-process varios raw images
  - port file-gif-save and file-tiff to GIO
  - TIFF support:
    - make libtiff a hard dependency
    - merge the file-tiff-load and file-tiff-save plug-ins
    - fix various tiff exporting bugs
  - EXR support:
    - read comment, Exif, and XMP data from EXR files
    - use GIMP's internal profile when loading EXR
  - PSD support:
    - fix the loading of files with adjustment or fill layers
    - fix the reading of layer group structure
  - fix the raw image loader
  - fix the layer groups support in OpenRaster
  - code cleanup in file-bmp
  - fix the exporting of KISS - CELL (*.cel) images
  - resurrect the email plugin
  - use GIO to figure if a file is hidden

  - update pyconsole code
  - add binding for GimpImageType
  - add GimpColorConfig object
  - add type definition for GimpColorManaged
  - make GimpParasite type known to the code generator
  - require Pycairo in configure, link gimpui against pycairo
  - fix the application of paintbrush size in Python scripts

  - make regex matching return character indexes
  - fix the hanging of Script-fu on machines with 64-bit longs
  - update tinyscheme code from upstream


  - Bug 759104 - Allow coordinates of sample points to be accessed from


  - Start building libmypaint.
  - Add pcre and upgrade glib2 to 2.48.1
  - Upgrade exiv2 to 0.25
  - Clear DISPLAY before building
  - Disable webkitgtk

OS-specific changes:

  - Add support for generating crash backtraces using Dr. MingW


  Adrian Likins, Alexandre Prokoudine, Alexia Death, Andrew Worsley,
  Benoit Touchette, Carol Spears, Daniel Sabo, Ell, Elle Stone,
  Hartmut Kuhse, Jasper Krijgsman, Jehan, Jonathan Tait, Jo?o
  S. O. Bueno, Kevin Cozens, Kristian Rietveld, Massimo Valentini,
  Michael Henning, Michael Natterer, Michael Schumacher, Mukund
  Sivaraman, Pedro Gimeno, Piotr Dr?g, Richard Hughes, Richard
  Kreckel, Shmuel H, Simon Budig, Sven Claussner, Thomas Manni,
  Tobias Ellinghaus, draekko, klausstaedtler, nmat, saul, ?yvind


  A S Alam, Alexandre Prokoudine, Ask Hjorth Larsen, Bal?zs Mesk?,
  Bal?zs ?r, Christian Kirbach, C?dric Valmary, Daniel Korostil,
  Daniel Mustieles, Dimitris Spingos, Du?an Kazik, Eugene Kuligin,
  G?bor Kelemen, Hartmut Kuhse, J.M. Ruetter, Jehan, Jordi Mas,
  Khaled Hosny, Marco Ciampa, Mario Bl?ttermann, Martin Srebotnjak,
  Michael Natterer, M?nica Canizo, Necdet Y?cel, Pedro Albuquerque,
  Piotr Dr?g, Richard Kreckel, R?dolfs Mazurs, Sebastian Rasmussen,
  Sveinn ? Felli, Tiago Santos, Tobias Ellinghaus, Yolanda ?lvarez
  P?rez, klausstaedtler, kolbjoern, ????? ???????.

gimp-developer-list mailing list
List address:    gimp-developer-list gnome org
List membership:
List archives:


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 16:13:40 +0200
From: MikeS <forums gimpusers com>
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Cc: notifications gimpusers com
Subject: [Gimp-user] Positioning an image.
Message-ID: <83585 forums gimpusers com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

No, you don't create a layer and paste an image in it, you use either 
"Edit>Paste as>New layer" or "File>Open as layers" and pick the image 
file using the file selector. In both cases you end up with your image
in a new layer. As long as that image remains on a layer distinct from
the rest, moving and scaling it shouldn't be a problem.
Shouldn't be a problem... Hmmm. 
I've used "File-Open As layer" before. That how I wound up with the new
layer/image in the center of my work area. Moving it IS the problem. I
know how. IN the attached example, I need to enlarge the image and move
it to
the right.
I'm trying to understand how to do that.


MikeS (via


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 12 Jul 2016 16:46:42 +0200
From: MikeS <forums gimpusers com>
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Cc: notifications gimpusers com
Subject: [Gimp-user] Positioning an image.
Message-ID: <83587 forums gimpusers com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Shouldn't be a problem... Hmmm. 
I've used "File-Open As layer" before. That how I wound up with the
new layer/image in the center of my work area. Moving it IS the
problem. I don't know how. IN the attached example, I need to enlarge
the image and move it to the right.
I'm trying to understand how to do that.

Found it !!!
Would not have expected it to be buried so deep in a menu structure (I'd
expected "Move"  to be and option under "Edit", but Now that I've found
it, it
works great.

MikeS (via


Message: 5
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 18:02:54 +0200
From: juek <forums gimpusers com>
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Cc: notifications gimpusers com
Subject: [Gimp-user] the Gimp prompt bar font color seem to wrong
Message-ID: <83590 forums gimpusers com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Hello everyone!
My operating system is OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, KDE desktop.And the GIMP
version is
I can't see the Gimp prompt bar font, just like that screenshot.
there are any solutions to it? 
Thanks everybody!


juek (via


Message: 6
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2016 20:40:22 +0200
From: outzider <forums gimpusers com>
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Cc: notifications gimpusers com
Subject: [Gimp-user] Tool tips don't work ver 2.8
Message-ID: <83592 forums gimpusers com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I suppose you are using KDE?

If so, go to "System Settings" - "Color" - "Options" and uncheck "Apply
to non-Qt applications", that should fix it.

outzider (via


Message: 7
Date: Thu, 14 Jul 2016 04:31:04 +0200
From: Lancer <forums gimpusers com>
To: gimp-user-list gnome org
Cc: notifications gimpusers com
Subject: [Gimp-user] Two different Wacom tablets - Pressure
Message-ID: <83596 forums gimpusers com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

I am a Digital Technology teacher, wanting to use Gimp for some graphic
work. For reasons that I can't reverse we have two sets of Wacom tablet
in the class:
Intuos pen tablet - CTL-480
Intuos Draw tablet - CTL-490/W0

(fyi: we asked for "the same" but were our order hit a time when one
model went
out of stock so ended up with half of each model.)

When either of the tablets are in, both of them show pressure sensitivity
correctly detected in the Wacom control panel (as I press harder the bar
When I use Adobe Photoshop, pressure sensitivity is working for either

At this point the company who got two sets of tablet in for our order
says they
both work and that we should be happy with their service.

But in Gimp 2.8, it seems that either of the tablets may work (first
time) but
once the have both been used, only the CTL-490/W0 model works with
sensitivity, all the while the Wacom Control Panel and Photoshop both say
tablet is fine. I have gone through and Edit => Input Devices to disable
then re-enable the pen pressure but the CTL-480 won't regain pressure

This seems to be a Gimp issue as the Wacom Control Panel and Adobe
work with pressure sensitivity just fine.

... How can I fix this problem so that student will be able to use either
of the
Wacom tablet models?

Thanks in advance.

Lancer (via


Subject: Digest Footer

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gimp-user-list gnome org


End of gimp-user-list Digest, Vol 58, Issue 11
-- - The way an email service should be

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