Re: [Gimp-user] Removing your geg-0.0 folder

        Are you running Gimp on a Windows, Mac or Linux system?

On 2016-08-07 23:15:51 caryar4 . wrote:

My son, that lives far away from me loves using GIMP.  He  told me to
download GIMP however, I'm a senior citizen, and I'm not able to use your
wonderful site.  It's too complicated for me.   I'm in my 70's.

My problem is....I uninstalled GIMP, however, a folder named gegl-0.0 is
duplicating all my files.   I cannot remove the folder.   Do you have any

Thank you for any help,

                A Caution to Everybody

        Consider the Auk;
        Becoming extinct because he forgot how to fly, and could only walk.
        Consider man, who may well become extinct
        Because he forgot how to walk and learned how to fly before he thinked.

-- Ogden Nash

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