Re: [Gimp-user] PDF with multiple images-original scan from off-white paper

It's possible using something like BIMP (Batch Image processing in GIMP),
or to code a script.  Otherwise, it may be something best handled by
imagemagick?  (I normally turn to imagemagick/g'mic for batch processing
vs. GIMP personally).  Could you link/attach the doc or a page of the pdf
that shows the problem?

On Sat, Sep 12, 2015 at 10:16 AM FrGuidoSarducci <forums gimpusers com>

I have a 250+ page PDF document.  Every page of this document contains an
image.  The original image that was scanned was on off-white paper.  I
want to
print the PDF on white paper, but the off-white background of the original
stands out. I am unable to get the original images.
I was able to get rid of the off-white color thru GIMP (2.8.14) using
Select->By Color and then Bucket Fill.  I am new enough at GIMP that I
know if it's possible to make this change on all of the images at once.
Is this
possible?  if so, can someone point me in the right direction?  Thanks.

FrGuidoSarducci (via
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