Re: [Gimp-user] Fit Canvas to Path

On Sun, Nov 8, 2015, at 08:31 AM, Bertrand Denoix wrote:
On 08/11/15 04:24, akovia wrote:
If I could make one suggestion, it would be to duplicate or replace the
menu items to the vector menu as that's where I would use it from as I
want to select which path to set it to.

No worries if not as I can hack the script for my personal needs, but I
think it would be better served in that menu.

Using the Path menu was also my original version, but I reckoned that in 
most cases the active path would be the path to use anyway (and you can 
make any path the active one in the Paths list).

In any case, see version 0.2. Now you have the choice, you can set the 
default margin, and it deals better with an existing selection.
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Thank you so very much.

On a side note, The documentation has a small error I think.
"The configuration file shall be named ofn-fit-canvas-to-path.ini and be
located in the tool-settings subdirectory of your Gimp profile."

I checked your source and it should be tool-options subdirectory. 
Just wanted to give a heads-up.

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