Re: [Gimp-user] how to activate a tool by script-fu for then using it interactively

sorry to be a pest .. how do i unsubscribe from  receiving gimp emails?

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/s/ Neal Weissman

nweissma gmail com   718-681-7609

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 9:53 AM, JoeSon <forums gimpusers com> wrote:

Dear experts,

I would like to prepare a script-fu function for selecting a tool with
prepared tool options.

For example, there's a use case for always drawing (free hand) with a
pencil, wich must be a 2px line in red. So, I want to write a
function, which selects the pencil and sets the pencil's options to

What I found is the function "gimp-pencil", but if I understand right,
this function is used to imediately draw a line between given
coordinates. But I only want to prepare the pencil tool, so that the
user daws free-hand, but with my pre-defined settings.

Which function can I use?

Thanks a lot in advance for your answers!
Joe Son

So, I just found out, how to use the functions
"gimp-context-set-brush-size" and
But I don't yet know how which function to use for selecting the pencil as
current tool...

Joe Son

JoeSon (via
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