Re: [Gimp-user] What causes random (in error) image color-inverting of TIFFs, over time? Is it correctable?

On Sun, 2015-05-31 at 17:25 -0400, Jay Smith wrote:

My primary question is whether there is a "particular bit that is 
getting flipped" that could be "unflipped" by some sort of non-visual 
editing of the source TIFF file?

My secondary question is whether or not other people have seen this 
type of problem crop up in large image libraries and what the causes 
have been?

The nearest I have seen to this that i can remember involves software 
changes - e.g. a different version of libtiff or whatever. For 
example, recently some images on 
to break, and it turned out to be a version of the jpeg library that 
had stopped supporting arithmetic encoding (for software patent 

TIFF is one of the more complex graphics formats in widespread use; 
for my own part I prefer to use PNG because at least the core image 
part is relatively simple and well-specified and widely supported.

If by any chance you have both an "uncorrupted" and a "corrupted" TIFF 
file, and you know for sure what programs were used to create them and 
on what platform (e.g. Linux on SPARC, Linux on Intel-64, 32-bit 
Windows on Intel, etc) I'm willing to take a look, althogh I don't 
think I have TIFF debugging stuff around any more.

It seems unlikely that the same single-bit error would happen on 
multiple images because of a hard drive problem, especially if a RAID 3
or higher storage system didn't detect it. Not impossible - an 
infinite number of monkeys typing for all eternity might all type 
nothing except page 54 of the January 1936 Great Western Railway 
timetable through Crewe - but I'd look for more likely causes first, 
the most likely of which might be a software change.


Liam R. E. Quin <liam holoweb net>
The barefoot typographer - words & pictures from old books

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