Re: [Gimp-user] Image transformation batch processing

This could possibly be done with BIMP, but it's likely not the best tool to
achieve this across so many images.

Imagemagick is the more likely candidate for batch processing in this way.
There are a couple of clarifications, though.

If an image is <1000px on any side, should the image canvas size be
increased to meet your 1000x1000 px requirement?

ie: 800x600: center the 800x600 image on a 1000x1000 white background?  Or
just square it on a white background to the largest size dimension that is

On Mon, May 11, 2015 at 3:01 PM lloyd_borrett <forums gimpusers com> wrote:


I have many directories of images, totaling more than 5000 images in total.
Each image might be in a jpg, gif or png file format.
I want to change all images to have a 1:1 aspect ratio, on a white
I want no image to exceed 1000 x 1000 pixels at 72 dpi.
Images already within the 1000x1000 limit should be extended to have a 1:1
aspect ratio, as required.
At no point is any image scaled upwards in size.
All images should be saved in a suitably compressed way for displaying on
The new images should be written into a sub-directory, with the original
being left in place and unchanged.
Would like to do this as a single batch process, if needs be per directory.

Here are some examples as to what should happen:

1200x1200: Image re-sized to 1000x1000. Save compressed.

1600x1200: Image re-sized to 1000x750. Then extended to 1000x1000, centred
on a
white background. Save compressed.

1200x1600: Image re-sized to 750x1000. Then extended to 1000x1000, centred
on a
white background. Save compressed.

750x750: Save compressed.

800x600: Image extended to 800x800, centred on a white background. Save

600x800: Image extended to 800x800, centred on a white background. Save

Is it possible to achieve the above using Gimp?

If so, how?

If not, can you please recommend a image processing tool that can do this?

Best regards, Lloyd Borrett.

lloyd_borrett (via
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