Re: [Gimp-user] I need the Gimp 2.9 where i can find ??

Am 17.11.2014 um 13:43 schrieb Michael Schumacher:
Von: "Thorsten Stettin" <thorsten stettin gmail com>
Hi Thorsten,
you can use
sudo apt-get install gimp
it would be nice if packages for the development branch would give users the ability to keep the current 
stable GIMP installed as well - being able to compare the behavior of the two is one of the points of 
installing a development version.

If the 2.9.x package wouldn't be called gimp, but e.g. gimp-2.9 (or something similar, if this name doesn't 
correspond to Debian/Ubuntu package naming policies), this could be achievable.

What will be the name of the upcoming babl version?

babl 0.11 or 0.2? It's very important for the packaging regarding a parallel installation of Gimp 2.8 and Gimp 2.9.


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Und er sagt auch: Ich habe drei Schätze, die ich hüte und hege.
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