Re: [Gimp-user] [Gimp-developer] GIMP should fork babl and GEGL

On Thu, Nov 6, 2014 at 8:24 PM, Gary Aitken wrote:

If you *ask* the user whether they want to have their data treated as
"bonified same as GIMP's sRGB" and then use optimized sRGB-only code,
that's one thing. Doing so behind the user's back, without their
consent, that's another thing. That is disrespecting the user's
control over their RGB data.
This is critical.  If I'm working with a wide-gamut profile, I really
really really don't want gimp screwing with the rgb data without my
say so.
Frankly, I'm puzzled. It's been, how many? 8 years? since GIMP asks
users what it should do with a picture that is tagged with a profile
that doesn't match the current RGB working space. Has anyone actually
suggested that this is going to be otherwise? :)


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