Re: [Gimp-user] moving parf of an image

On 07/16/2014 10:19 AM, JLuc wrote:

i'm getting used to gimp
but something still keeps me wondering "am i doing right ?" :
its how i move part of an image :
i select the part i wanna move (using any of the select tools),
cut and paste it in the floating selection layer,
move it (and possibly do other transforms),
and anchor it back to where it belongs to.

Is there some simpler way i'm not aware of,
for example without cut'n'pasting,
when all i wanna do is moving part of an image ?
If I understand your question correctly, my answer is "probably not."

But I do not understand what you mean by "anchor it back to where it belongs to".

Do you mean you want a part of your image copied over on top of another part of your image (or maybe onto another image), while the original selected location remains unchanged?
In that case, you select and copy, rather than select and cut, and paste.

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