Re: [Gimp-user] gimp users matter

On Tue, Jan 14, 2014 at 3:27 AM, Ofnuts wrote:

If you reall care about the output quality, you _never_ just resize. You
resize and sharpen, and amount of sharpening is decided on
picture-by-picture basis.

Yes. And sometimes you even blur the picture slightly before resizing to
avoid artifacts caused by spatial frequency folding.

Precisely :)

This is something I would expect the "Save for Web" plugin to do, not the
stock exporter.

"Web" is a bit restrictive: games, wallpapers, pictures in documents...

Restrictive? To me it's just a fancy and easy to understand name for a
function that everyone who's in this business knows from Photoshop
anyway. I can't immediately think of a different name to explain in
few plain words that resizing, optimization, and enhancement for final
output is about to happen.


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