Re: [Gimp-user] Attn: GIMP



Thank you for your email. Well that's a great question, and one that I
expect one will be asked a lot as I progress further. Who has 24 years
planned out for their creative projects, let alone the next 3 years? I'm
hoping to avoid myself being my own cover band like some popular bands today
(Metallica, Guns N' Roses are the primary bands that comes to mind). So, I
figured if I give myself a timeline to fit my expected releases into,
hopefully I can be able to keep my creative bottle filled (so-to-speak),
versus having it run-out and still attempting to release new material. I
hope that makes sense! Thank you again!


\m/ JP \m/


From: Pete Wright [mailto:pnwright gmail com] 
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 10:06 PM
To: Shlomi Fish
Cc: Jeff Weidemoyer; Gimp
Subject: Re: [Gimp-user] Attn: GIMP


Okay, I'll bite. Why 24 years? That might be about right for me, since I am

Keep your horizons long!

Now I am off to listen to the music....


On Tue, Dec 31, 2013 at 12:26 PM, Shlomi Fish <shlomif shlomifish org>

Hi Jeff,

On Sun, 29 Dec 2013 22:30:29 -0500
"Jeff Weidemoyer" <jeffweidemoyer adponemansjourney com> wrote:

Attn: GIMP,

Firstly, I apologize if this was not the correct email contact. I did not
see a better email contact provided in regards to my email content.

I am a solo musician / songwriter from Lebanon, PA, USA, and I wish to
you all for being such an important influence to me as I look to continue
the journey I have started with my creative project. I wouldn't have been
able to create my EP without your great product.  I have been using GIMP
nearly four years, and I have created every single logo I have to my name
using your product. They say that the best things in life are free, and
everything your product offers, I believe Audacity is one of those
that statement is referring to. Admittedly, your product as well as
Audacity, are  two of the best free software programs available for any
creative person as far as I am concerned.  All of the album artwork, as
as marketing materials I made to support the EP was made utilizing GIMP.

I'm glad you like GIMP and found it useful. I believe the GIMP developers
will appreciate a donation, but, naturally, you are not obligated to make

Good luck, and Happy New Year!

I plan to release a third EP, and 24 full-length albums over the next 24
years of my creative career. Unless any unforeseen circumstances come up,
plan to continue using your products throughout the entirety of my musical
career. I hope I can help to bring even more pride and respect to your
already reputable brand through my music. (Free instant-download)

Thanks for the link. I downloaded the album (without paying) and I am going
listen to it. If I like it enough, then I may make a donation.


        -- Shlomi Fish (a GIMP contributor and coder, but certainly not a

Shlomi Fish
"Humanity" - Parody of Modern Life -

"Interesting" has a negative correlation with "successful".
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