Re: [Gimp-user] Scanned negatives, moire patterns and GIMP?

On 12/04/2014 05:55 PM, Keith Purtell wrote:

 If they can't resolve this, what are my chances of solving the problem 
with GIMP? I tried a few of the existing filters without visible results. 
My first Google searches haven't turned up a good detailed tutorial on 
moire removal.

I don't think that's possible.  If I understand the problem, the
moire effect is intensive, global noise with continuous variation in
scale and contrast, resulting from superimposing a slightly out of
alignment shadow or reflection on the image content.  I don't think
any filter is likely likely to be able to distinguish that kind of
noise from image content - without a perfect copy for comparison,
which of course ain't relevant here.

Hopefully the folks who failed on the first try will succeed on the
second, otherwise, I would try someone else.  They should have kept
trying to fix it and/or admitted to failure, instead of delivering
useless junk as finished work.



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