Re: [Gimp-user] Change Left/Right Panel Color


On Fri, Apr 18, 2014 at 11:49 AM, A. Huntley <Alan Huntley cox net> wrote:
Hello All:

I'm new to GIMP and trying to setup the interface the way I'd prefer; don't
like the rather bright white color of the image window, toolbox and dialog
panels when the program first opens up. I tried searching the archives to
find an answer to my question without any success. Therefore...

After looking through various preference options, I finally found how to
change the padding color for the image window, however, I cannot see if it's
possible to change the toolbox panel (left side) and dialog panels (right
side) to something other than white. Since my image window (padding) is now
set to a very dark gray, I'd like to set the toolbox/dialog panels to
something like a medium gray. Is this possible? How?

Yes this is possible. You need to find a theme, other than the current
default themes, with dark colors. You can search on the web for dark
themes for GIMP. Unfortunately you may have more or less luck in such
a search, as sometimes user-made themes may be broken or incomplete.
So you may have to try and test a few before finding the right one.
Some users on the list may be able to direct you to their favorite dark theme.


P.S.: in some future major version, GIMP would be released with
additional default themes, in particular with dark theme options.
Unfortunately current release has no such default dark theme yet.

Thank you for any help provided.


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