[Gimp-user] I have a shaped image (in this case 3D text) with a transparant background. How do I overlay a gritty texture layer on the shaped image only?

There are a LOT of ways to do that, but here's one.  Once you have
tried this, you may see how to do something else that does more what
you have in mind:

Select the layer with the orange text, use the "select by color
tool" and select the orange text.

Make a new transparent layer.

Drag and drop (or bucket fill) to fill the selection with white, on
the new layer.

Do Filters > Noise > RGB noise

Change the newer layer's mode to Multiply

Do Colors > Desaturate

Use Colors > Curves to make the orange area look "gritty"

Use the Smudge tool to smear the grit around


Hi Steve, thank you for your creative solution! I tried it, it works, and with
some practice I'll get it right. However I'd really like to apply this specific
texture. Is there no way to overlay this texture image transparantly over the
'logo', without having to cut off 'excess texture image' around the logo?

bringoutthe (via www.gimpusers.com/forums)

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