Re: [Gimp-user] [OT] My Apologies

On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 11:13:13AM +0100, doug wrote:
On 22/07/13 19:35, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr wrote:
To All,

I would like to offer my apologies for my attitude and behavior on
the recent export vs. save threads. I am sorry for any disruption
it might have caused, my attitude was most certainly uncalled for
regardless of whatever opinions I may hold.

That's very handsome of you and gets my personal thanks.

For me as a long-term quiet lurker, the mailing list is normally a
great resource of advice; so it's a real PITA when it gets taken
over by these trolling topics. I wish there was a way of shifting
them off-list quickly when they arise.

Do as I do, just block the annoying users that start those threads.

Stephen, Toronto
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