Re: [Gimp-user] HATE the new save vs. export behavior

On 07/19/2013 03:12 PM, Joseph A. Nagy, Jr wrote:
On 07/19/13 17:10, Kasim Ahmic wrote:
I could ask you the same thing. Yes, if you SAVE the image, you'll
have all the layers intact. However, if you EXPORT the image, all the
layers are merged.

That is a new and unexpected behavior. I used to save png with layers
intact. Now the merge isn't even mentioned.

I don't think this is new.   From what I remember, if I had an image
open with multiple layers and I saved it as a PNG file, the *saved* PNG
file wouldn't retain the layer information even though the window title
of the image window would change to the name of the PNG file.

So, if I created a new image with a blue bottom layer and I added a text
layer on top of it, when I saved that image as a PNG file, the image
window would be name {filename}.png and the text layer would still be
shown in the layers dialog window.  However, if I closed that image and
opened the *saved* PNG file, the text layer wouldn't be preserved as a
separate layer.

Kasim Ahmic's statement above makes perfect sense.  If you save the
image, the layers remain intact because you save in XCF.  If you export
the image, the layers are merged and saved in the composite image format.  

This change in Gimp behavior took a short time to adjust to but now that
I have, it makes perfect sense to me and as a result, I'm far more
conscious about whether I'm saving a file or exporting to the image file
format of choice.



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Stay with me... Sway with me.../

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